Top 15 Product Photography Background Ideas 2022

Product photography is now a major focus to selling products in an online store or a website. A piece of good product picture can increase your sales, help to gather customer focus, and maximize your deal in business!

Hiring a professional photographer for product photography is a matter of cost, whereas you can easily do it yourself.

Yeah! You heard the same! Just pick up the best background,  add some creativity, take a shot- and that’s all. Let’s talk about the best background ideas for product photography!

Top 15 Best Background Ideas for Product Photography

15 Best Background Ideas for Product Photography

Shooting product photos are challenging. In an ecommerce website the product photo plays very important role.

They aid to the website look, design, structure and converting visitors to customer.

Experimenting on different types background, will influence the sell, and also product photo editing.

Here are some creative background ideas for shooting product photos.

However, you can use our background removal services to remove, replace product photo backgrounds.

1. Solid Color Background

Solid Background Ideas for Product Photography

Using color as a backdrop strategically will help you relate the customer’s attention to your product and brands. Most websites and online stores use a solid color as their background.

Starting with a solid or neutral color background is considered safest for creating focus more on your product.

  • Off white, gray, or Beige- these three colors will easily highlight your product.
  • White is one of the best choices as a backdrop. It has a very low impact on the image.
  • Different e-commerce platforms require different background colors. So, keep in mind where you’re going to sell your product and choose a background color.

2. Vinyl backdrops

Vinyl backdrops, Unique Product photography background ideas.

The vinyl backdrop is known as most used for food photography. It also has an important use for any kind of product as well. You can bring an enhanced vibrancy to the colors in product photography using a vinyl backdrop.

The vinyl backdrop is easy to use, perfectly portable, opaque, durable, and easy to store.

  • You can experiment with it with different orientations and directions, such as flat lay, a wall or floor, seamless style.
  • Basically, vinyl backdrops come in two types- marble vinyl backdrop and solid color vinyl backdrop.

3. Use Paper as Background

Paper | Best Backdrop for Product Photo shoot

Paper is widely used for photography background. Whether you’re a professional or not, a low-budget backdrop paper will not upset you!

Generally, taking a shot with a seamless paper is constantly more popular nowadays. Easily set up and removed after work where no more complications are had. This is suitable for product photography which you’re looking for!

  • Baking paper, old newspaper, colorful wrapping paper- different types are around you will worth it!
  • Just take a paper, make it dimensional and use it as you want.
  • The seamless paper background is comparatively heavy. You have to use a sturdy backdrop stand to hold them.

4Use Metal tray

Metal Tray

Do you have any old metal trays? Then make it use as a backdrop! No wonder about the best uses of a metal tray which can conveniently make your product photography more enjoyable.

There are many scratches and stains in a metal tray – just a waste, will it not work? Then again, you’ll be glad to know that it can draw over creative looks to compliment your product! It’s impressive, right?

  • The special advantages of a metal tray, you can use both sides. Both sides will provide different textures and unique angles for photography.

5. Fabric Background

Fabric Background Ideas for Product Photo Shoot

Well, let’s know the interesting part of the fabric as a backdrop choice. There are so many fabrics that will appreciatively adjust with your product background.

Muslin silk is a more convenient fabric to match with the purpose of product photography.  Again, linen, silk, lace, leather, etc. are also good choices.

Things to note down, choose the color of fabric with a matter of gender. If you take a shot of a girl’s jewelry, then trendy or colorful accessories will worth it more. So, think before then make it happen.

  • Must clean and iron the fabric before use as a backdrop.

6. Black sand 

Black Sand

If you’re searching for a stylish background for product photography,  then black sand is therefore you!

No wonder black color always has a fancy look. Choosing a black sand background is like adding some special feature in the photo; it is also an example of the textured background.

  • Buy the black sand from a pet shop, usually with the “aquarium use” label

7. Green & Greenery

Product on Green Background

Nature gives us refreshment; why not use this benefit in product photography!

If you plan to take a shot of beauty care or natural products, then using greenish leaves will help you out more.

It’ll enhance the refreshment and help to attract the customer. Again, taking two or more pieces of flowers can appreciate your photographs!

  • Taking a real piece of flower for different photoshoots will not work for. So, you can use fake or crafting flowers that are suitable for this purpose.

8. Rug


Walking around your house, you will definitely find some rug in a corner. Now, use it as a backdrop. You heard the right!

White rugs provide a clean and suitable texture for photography. You can also use colored rugs that match with your product’s color.

9. Tiles – Creative Background Idea

tiles background

Tiles are widely used as they have different sizes, shapes, colors, and designs. You can also use tiles for a backdrop of photography.

Tiles help to create a mesmerizing look in your product photography.

Choose suitable tiles which will make your product more interesting and take a shoot!

10. Pattern

Pattern Background Ideas for Product Photography

Establish a positive mood with the use of a pattern as a backdrop.

You can easily add patterns by removing the original backdrop with an image editor.

Keep in mind to focus on creating the product look, not the pattern’s look.

11. Rock

Rock Backdrop

Gathering stone can be helpful for use as a backdrop. You can find different sizes of stone or pebbles on a roadside. Meanwhile, there’s no need to worry about the cost. Arrange the stones one by one and then set them with your own creativity.

12. Wood – Classic Background Ideas

Wood Background Ideas

Wood has different shapes and uses for many purposes, such as doors, tables, furniture, wall, and so many. Creating a backdrop with wood is a good choice. If you’re selling dresses, then you can try them. But, if it is not suitable for the first time, use a paper backdrop with a wooden pattern.

13. Foamboard

Experimenting with different things will ultimately get applause. Such an experiment with foam boards will definitely appreciate you.

If you’re going to take a shot of food, then foam board is the coolest choice to have some fun. You can use it as you want. And when it comes to budget, then, of course, it’s budget-friendly.

You can also try it with different suitable colors.

14. Tin foil

Tin foil

Can you imagine taking a creative shoot with rolling paper or aluminum soil? Of course, it’s one of the best textures you should try once. You must create a distance of tinfoil 6meter from the object. Then look around, is it perfect or not. Next, take a shot and select the fine one.

15. Brick or Wall as Simple background

Product Photography Background Brick

No matter how the look of brick is! The brick wall is here to beautify your product naturally. Depending on the product type this background can be one of the best background ideas for product photography,

Now, I assume you have a clear idea on shooting product photography using different backdrop.

However, you can use different backdrop by using photo editing services like- background removal, clipping path.

Frequently Asked Question: Best Background Ideas for Product Photography

What background should I use for product photography?

Specifically, you should use the simplest and plain background for product photography. Don’t ever take the shot just to complement your background. The main focus is to create a product that looks more energetic to find it clearly.

So, don’t get the colorful backdrop that the consumer can ignore.  Always, a better option to choose a white background as it creates more focus on the product.

What Kind of Backdrops do Professional Photographers Use?

Professional photographers use solid color, muslin, greenery, fabric, and so many backdrops. Also,  they’re just taking a shot and making it edited by software. But the photographer is efficient with the original backdrop choice.

How Much Should Product Photography Cost?

Product photography cost usually depends on how much complexity or creativity is necessary for taking the photo. Typically product photographers are charged 100$-250$ per hour.

What do you need for product photography?

If product photography is just for a DIY project, then you just need several items for a short period, such as a camera, tripod, background, a table, tape, and the right place.

If you’re being a professional photographer, then you need a set and models for the photoshoot.

Final words

Product photography is all about selling your creativity to help customers to attach. The customer only gets attracted to buy the product when they relate it to themself.

Thus, the best background can help you a lot to give your thought, perception’s reflection about the product.

Also, a background can give relative information about your brand and product. Taking a different shot takes a long time. So, you must be more selective to choose a background before having a product shoot.

And, product photo editing company offers background removal and replacement services, which can be useful if you want a different background of an image.

Next, build an attachment between the product and consumer. And that’s enough for the good sell! Still, if you have any questions, let us know by leaving a comment.