What Buyers are Looking for in Real Estate Listings in 2023

Real Estate agents, whether they be newbloods or seasoned professionals who have already established a brand, are always on the lookout for what’s new in terms of sprucing up their listings in order to get ahead of the market. From perfect “on-brand” listing presentations to updated knowledge of the latest sales in their neighborhood, you have to take advantage of all the tools that are available to you in order to nail an appointment.

No matter how good and detailed your listing presentations are, how they stand out in listing websites, or pick up mounds and mounds of interest from potential buyers, sellers will have a lot of questions before hiring you. The first question mark in their head would be your ability as an agent. Being an agent is more than just putting a home on MLS, or syndicating it through a network of websites and advertising them in social media; they’ll be particular with how you’re going to make their home stand out from the competition.

So, when you’re peppered with such inquiries, what are you going to say? The answer relies on your confidence to convince them that you will be able to close the deal with the best possible offer. And where will this confidence come from? From marketing strategies that you will employ, tools that will give you the edge when it comes to selling a home, and the team that you have in mind to help you in your real estate campaign.


All of those wrapped up by the knowledge of the things that buyers are looking for when looking for a home. In 2023, shopping has moved into the digital world. A simple click, a scroll down, and then a quick skim through other pictures from the main is where it all begins. Good agents should know the significance of making a good impression and curbing buyers’ interest when it comes to online presentations, whether they be among the crowd on a listing website or in their own corner with a dedicated link provided by their marketing partners.

The days of making phone calls to a realtor or visiting local shops to see weekly listings are gone. Today’s buyers can now have access to high-quality photos anytime, anywhere, and even go into properties virtually through a 3D tour. The experience has evolved into a more immersive and almost life-like experience with only a touch of a button on their phones.


Please don’t get confused by the header, what we mean here are the basic or key elements that buyers are looking for when they are browsing homes online. Let’s list those down.

Property Photos

Yes, property images are still in and will never be off the marketing campaign list of must-haves. But note that high-quality is required in this day and age. Make sure that your listing photos are of high-definition, crisp, sharp, and with the best composition possible.

Property Details

After catching watchful eyes, the next thing to do is to get hold of buyers’ interest. Once they are drawn into the property from the photos that hold them in, they will look at the details, copywriting is still a key element when it comes to selling. Make sure to communicate the key features of the property through good prose and good wording.

Floor Plans

But words will never be enough, and wise buyers will also look for numbers. But it’s not just numbers as they can be tiresome to look at and think of, they must come up with guides for which wall is which, and how huge or small a space is, properly provided to them through a floor plan. This is a must.

Virtual Tours

3D Tours have become a must in 2023, especially with the surge of covid-19, which made physical tours impossible. Good thing, technology has gifted us with a solution: buyers can now visit homes without waiting for the agent’s availability. They can look at all corners beyond the limitations of time.

Neighborhood Information

Of course, a home is not just the home but also its surroundings; the facilities around it, and the lifestyle that it provides within its vicinity. Do ’t forget to provide this information in your listing presentation else miss a buyer who does not want to go the extra mile checking out the house in google maps.

The best practice in 2023 is to go through the nitty gritty demands of being a real estate agent. Do not cut corners and provide all the information and experience to potential buyers and satisfy your clients by making sure that you have covered everything.


The things we mentioned above might be a big ask if you compare it with how real estate marketing was in the old days. But if the budget can cover it, don’t compromise for what is cheap. Remember, the competition will always be tough, and you will always have a brand to take care of. As an agent, it is important to make use of all the tools that are available to you.

Good thing, real estate marketing companies have also evolved into not just providing photographs but also floor plans and even 3D tours. Some even provide a full marketing package that includes an individual listing website for a home and be the one to advertise them on social media. And even more to that, have you heard about drone photography and video walkthroughs? The more exciting the presentation of a home, the more potential buyers it is going to fish from screens all over the internet.