Top 5 Popular Mistakes In Real Estate Photography

Real estate photography is a profession that is definitely on the rise. As the real estate market grows, there is an equivalent increase in the demand for skilled photographers who can take the most aesthetic yet precise photos. Realtors need to know that your images add character to properties to entice potential buyers. Therefore in this article, I’ll be discussing five common mistakes you must definitely avoid as a real estate photographer.

Always have Presets on Demand

A common mistake is not having presets. They are predefined image settings that you can apply to photographs. When you have a bulk of photos to edit, presets come in handy. They are quite similar to filters. When applied to images, they add a specified look to them. They are customizable and are either created personally or purchased. Presets offer consistency, efficiency, and simplicity when you are editing photos. After using them, you could still make alterations to your photographs.

Always Reflect the Thoughts of the Buyer

The cardinal rule of sale is to always think of the buyer. It is not enough to take aesthetic photos alone. You will also have to capture the qualities of the building. Both basic and extraordinary features make it purchasable. Emphasize the house’s major selling points. Does it have a large kitchen with state of the art appliances? Will it look better with natural lighting at certain angles?

Always Use the Right Equipment

Having the right equipment is the major difference between a professional and an amateur. Improvising only results in creating more work for yourself as well as having sloppy jobs. A wide-angle lens is a place to start as it provides much detail and depth to the photos. Having multiple flashes make shooting larger areas perfect. Tripods are also necessary as they provide stability to your photographs and keep them sharp.

Lighting is Everything

Dark, gloomy images are not ideal for real estate photographs. The lighting of rooms in a home could change its mood. Poor lighting could dim the sale potential of a house. This is the ultimate reason why natural light is always preferred when taking pictures. Playing with natural and artificial lighting could make cramped rooms look more spacious. It could also make the features of the house stand out.

Dot your I’s and Cross Your T’s

Always ensure that you have a signed contract before commencing work. Your terms, conditions, and details of your job has to be fully accounted for. Also, make sure that you are insured. These must be done to keep all your bases covered. You get to do the job on time and be fully compensated while working with what you are comfortable in.

A lot clearly goes into real estate photography as techniques have to be mastered, and hacks must be learned. The mistakes pointed above will help you grow from a beginner to a pro, and you can be assured that the end result will set you apart from other real estate photographers.